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“most albuginean”
albugineous, albuginean (adjective); more albugineous, most albugineous; more albuginean, most albuginean
1. Of the nature of the white of an egg; albuminous: Jim thought that the albugineous part of the eye was whiter than that of his brother's eyes.
2. Pertaining to the rough white layer of fibrous tissue in the body: In the accident, Jeff hurt his left eye, especially the albugineous part of his eye was damaged, so an operation had to be performed.
2. Pertaining to the rough white layer of fibrous tissue in the body: In the accident, Jeff hurt his left eye, especially the albugineous part of his eye was damaged, so an operation had to be performed.
A "tunica albugine" is another example of albugineous tissue or fiber.
This entry is located in the following units:
albumino-, albumi-, albumin-, albumini-, albumo-
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